Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pretty Much Perfect: Goes Travelling

A temporary break in cake making for some cake eating and this is what One calls left overs!

Yum, now back to the program and it was time to work out exactly how One could transport 11kg of chocolately goodness 2000km...

Unfortunately even the largest of large Tupperware was not big enough for the base cake.

Thankfully Spotlight delivered up a large plastic tub big enough for a grand cake and off to the airport it was

Travelling with wedding cake makes One everyone's friend. Especially the hosties who were so impressed that the conversation went along these lines:

Hostie: 'For me'
One: 'If you're marrying my brother, yes, if not don't touch'
H: 'Oh my god, what is it'
O: 'Wedding cake'
SO: 'he made it himself and its got 14 layers in each tier'
H: 'Wow, that's impressive, put it in this cupboard and no one will touch it'
O: 'Thanks'
One and the SO proceed to row 4 and sit for 30 minutes at which time the Cabin Service Manager approaches, One is watching Masterchef on One's iPhone, SO is reading something
CSM: 'So who made the wedding cake'
SO: 'he did'
CSM: Whose wedding [insert conversation about brother and links to said airline]
CSM: 'Well can I get you boys a drink to start the celebration, champagne, G&T'
O: Absolutley, bubbles please
CSM leaves and then returns 5 minutes later
CSM: 'If you'd just move through to row 3 for me

Yes that was the business class upgrade deserving of a wedding cake maker One thinks!

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