Sunday, June 27, 2010


One has had a wonderful weekend, good food, good wine (although a little too much), good shopping and good cooking.

One even prepared some caramelised onions to have on hand in the fridge. Originally, one was going to make an onion tart but a nap got in the way of that and so it was a couple of jars of caramelised onion.

Nigella has jars of caramelised onion on her larder list for Nigella Express and says that they're one of her favourite ways to get cooking quicker. One loves a caramelised onion and will be enjoying them tomorrow in a roast beef sandwich. YUM

The sandwich is going to be on organic five seed loaf that One bought at the Farmers Markets this morning in Freo. There was everything from seafood to Thai food and jams and honey to crepes and cappuccinos with some buskers and lots of cute kids and puppies running around. It was FREEZING but One was rugged up and ready for deliciously fresh produce to come home. Now the fridge is heaving and ready for a week of eating.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Roasts (not the comedic type)

One loves a Roast and isn't quite sure what one loves more - is it the Roast at the meal that it has been cooked for, or is it in fact the days following the roast where a sneaky left over is snatched out of the fridge at any time of the day or night, or even the following lunches when a delightful sandwich or baguette has been made with all the deliciously yummy left over bits? Today lunch involved a fresh baguette from Breadmakers at the Herdie, butter, horseradish cream and then beef, cauliflower cheese, sweet potatoes, caramelised onion and a dollop of warm gravy to finish it off.

Roast beef is the king of roasts so far as One is concerned. Roast chicken just doesn't seem as special given that you can readily pick one up from all manner of stores for about $10. Roast Lamb is far to stinky and fatty for One's liking and while pork does present the opportunity for crackling, it just doesn't get there in One's book anyway.

Great things

One left work on Friday at 4.55pm, it was magnificent. The weather has been glorious of late - cold cold cold but with clear blue skies.

So having arrived at aflatofonesown by 5.10, One wasn't quite sure what to do. So after contemplating this for all of 5 minutes, One decided it was time to make a Roast. Off to the supermarket to pick up bits and pieces for the dinner and what did One find, but this:

Sarsparilla - delicious and an unexpected surprise given it isn't the easiest thing to find in Perth. One developed the taste for Sarsparilla during holidays in Queensland as a child and has never lost the desire for it, even when some manufacturers decided to re-badge it as SARS during hte avian flu epidemic, there was not a second thought given to drinking the delicious aniseedy drink YUM

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Perfect Wedding Cake

That is all.

SFTPWC - Mission Complete

In Sex & the City (the series, not the terrible 2nd movie) Richard showers Samantha with presents with cards like 'sex for sexy'. One says perfection for perfection and with a wedding like this:

Nothing less than some perfection like this will do:

Pretty Much Perfect: Tropical Vacation

So the cake arrives safely in two pieces ready for assembly and the holiday starts. Hotel is delux, and Broome is perfection. After 12 hours One and the SO have even made a fun holiday friend couple which is even better.

So the SO and One decide that its time to take the holiday couple friendship to the next level and fly an hour up the coast to the beautiful Cape Levique.

A day looking at the amazing coast and a quick dip later and its time to get cracking on the cake again.

Operation ribbon begins!

With both tiers ribboned, its time to sit back, relax with a medicinal G&T (the tanins or something repels the mosquitos) and hit up the Sunset Bar at Cable Beach Club.

Pretty Much Perfect: Goes Travelling

A temporary break in cake making for some cake eating and this is what One calls left overs!

Yum, now back to the program and it was time to work out exactly how One could transport 11kg of chocolately goodness 2000km...

Unfortunately even the largest of large Tupperware was not big enough for the base cake.

Thankfully Spotlight delivered up a large plastic tub big enough for a grand cake and off to the airport it was

Travelling with wedding cake makes One everyone's friend. Especially the hosties who were so impressed that the conversation went along these lines:

Hostie: 'For me'
One: 'If you're marrying my brother, yes, if not don't touch'
H: 'Oh my god, what is it'
O: 'Wedding cake'
SO: 'he made it himself and its got 14 layers in each tier'
H: 'Wow, that's impressive, put it in this cupboard and no one will touch it'
O: 'Thanks'
One and the SO proceed to row 4 and sit for 30 minutes at which time the Cabin Service Manager approaches, One is watching Masterchef on One's iPhone, SO is reading something
CSM: 'So who made the wedding cake'
SO: 'he did'
CSM: Whose wedding [insert conversation about brother and links to said airline]
CSM: 'Well can I get you boys a drink to start the celebration, champagne, G&T'
O: Absolutley, bubbles please
CSM leaves and then returns 5 minutes later
CSM: 'If you'd just move through to row 3 for me

Yes that was the business class upgrade deserving of a wedding cake maker One thinks!

Pretty Much Perfect: Part Four

One awoke from dreams of a gateau-geddon sitting bolt upright in bed with a cold sweat.

Had something happened overnight, were there mid-night munchies going down in aflatofonesown over night?

Thankfully no and before too long, the ganache was flowing freely and this...

Quickly led to this...

And One was quickly growing more impressed with oneself.