Saturday, January 30, 2010

An excellent Sunday Afternoon with One's Girls

One is home alone this afternoon and has had a wonderful time of it, reminding one of a couple of things. The first is cooking in MJ's Daggers pad many moons ago to pumping music with multiple pots on the go. The other is when two intrepid travellers weren't travellers and were delivering engagement party invitations - picture this. One in apron, cooking up a storm, Kelly Clarkson pumping on the stereo (which One is informed could be heard down the street!).

Fast Forward to 31 January 2010, one in aflatofonesown in the kitchen, the girls blaring out of the stereo, bolognaise and a red beef curry bubbling away on the stove, Kenwood having a work out producing mince for the curry, dishwasher full, two spoon rests in full use. PERFECTION!

So far one's girls B and J-Lo have dropped through, but one thinks that Lily ain't far away!

1 comment:

  1. When I read the heading on this post I was all "what girls??" and immediately annoyed you may have found girls to hang out with and cook with that you referred to with such familiarity. Luckily it's only B and J-Lo.
    p.s. B just keeps getting better doesn't she?
