- Was one playing some kind of contact sport: No
- Did one have a Newnsey style public incident: No
- Was one in a car accident and smash one's glasses on the windscreen: No
Picture this: One is sitting in a conference room with Senior Partner tele-proofing a witness (who was in a much more exotic location), typing up some notes as one went along. One is sitting directly across the table from Senior Partner. All of a sudden one hears the slightest crack, it could have been a key on the keyboard, but then the Tom Fords just fall right off one's face.
Senior Partner looks at one as if to say 'what the' (although to be hones one can't really see the full facial expression because he no longer has the benefit of optical assistance). One shrugs his shoulders and the tele-proofing continues.
Luckily one had been to booty camp that morning so had trusty gym glasses in gym bag in the office so one wasn't blind for long.
Thinking, these Tom Fords are only eighteen months old, one trots off to the Optometrist to politely ask if the TF5013s can be sent back and fixed.
Pompous optometrist: 'Oh no, they're out of warranty, I can order you a new pair though'
One: 'Really, they were quite expensive and it appears something internal was faulty'
PO: 'Well, i can send them off, but it will take eight weeks and you have to put a deposit on any repairs they may do of $400'
One: 'I think I might have a look for new glasses, thanks'
So I walked off in my trusty gym glasses, feeling a little depleted and not quite myself and started the hunt for new frames, something that before TF5013 B5 came into one's life was an annual pilgrimage but since TF5013 came along one has been a one frame man. After trying on what feels like about 100 pairs and never finding something quite right, one thought, EBay is one's friend. surely for less than the cost of repairs one can get a whole new pair, slip in lenses from broken TF5013 B5 and one will be happy as a clam.
EBay search conducted. Result: 0.
Then I did what all lawyers do when one cannot find an answer - turned to Google
and one's dear friend returned 2640 results. With light in one's heart one commenced the task of sifting through the chaff and came across a little optometrist shop on 5th Avenue NYC called CoolFrames.com
The rest is (a quick) history, one ordered a new pair of TF5013 B5s and expected a 21 day turn around. Oh no, not at all it seems. One's friends at CoolFrames dispatched TF5013 B5 the very next day, the US Postal Service then sent one updates as one's babies were on their journey home, International Dispatch; Arrived abroad, Australia 10.28am; Into Foreign Customs 10.32am; Out of Foreign Customs 12.26am; At Foreign Delivery Unit 6.01am; Delivered Abroad, 11.24am and one's heart leaped with joy, one's hand grabbed the phone, called the mail room and had the parcel brought up urgently.
And that is how one ended up here:
Strangely, one cannot quite explain the psychological effect of having frames that one loves has had. It is like a part of one has returned and the world is right again.
One needs to get into the DIY - a bandaid, to hold the frame together, and one would have been sorted!