1. Pants that are too short; and
2. Brown shoes with black pants.
In recent days walking to and from the bus, my eyes have been assaulted by too many instances of short pants and blending of the colour families. Unacceptable.
Now if gent in question was terribly dressed, I could view him simply as visual pollution. However this is not the case both the cut of the suit and nice shoe indicate that this gent indeed has taste or has a girlfriend with taste. Now unless she was off at NYC Fashion Week I cannot understand why he walked out of the house wearing this combination.
As if this visual assault on my fashion senses was not enough today, I got whacked by this on the way home.
Now yes this fellow has managed to put on the right shoe/pant combination. BUT how short are those pants!?!? Can you even still call them pants, they're almost 3/4 length pants and I refuse to believe that even Myer is selling 3/4 suit pants for men.
Plus before you think, maybe he didn't realise, let me tell you this: it was cold today and Perth is one of the windiest cities in the world. His ankles must be freezing and not just part of his ankle - the whole darn thing was without any pant protection from the weather!
OK, so gents, two things to remember:
1. Black pants and brown shoes are not friends; and
2. Pants should stop just around the join of the leather upper and sole of your shoes.
Meanwhile, one of these tasteless men in Perth is busy blogging about the man who rushes around taking photos of the feet of the men in perth. Is he a foot festishist? Or is he simply obsessed with capturing on digital film Perth's finest pavement?