Its easy to forget said addiction when in aflatofonesown and all the Nigella has a place of its own and it looks so pretty sitting on its shelf. When moving time came around it was time for the mouses to go back into their houses for the big day...
And of course, the professional packers could not be entrusted with this important task of replacing the various Nigella pieces into the safety of their boxes, this was a job for One and One alone.
The Packers got their own back though with their labelling of the moving boxes, it went something like this:
Nigella collection, box 1
Nigella collection, box 2
More Nigella
Even More NIGELLA!!!
Seriously The LAST box of Nigella!!
Very funny packers! Importantly no Nigella was damaged in the move.
All One can say is One adores Nigella, thats why she has her very own shelf in the new study:

And for the close up, in case you weren't sure what One was on about:

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