Being a baker one enjoys the ability to open and close the oven or at least have gratification on the day of the bake. Not so with true meringue. It has something to do with being incredibly delicate and like walking on a knife edge this meringue baking business. So with some friends coming around for a Tuesday night dinner, it was time to start the baking on Monday.
So it was time to separate 6 eggs, saving the yolks for later to make a creme patisserie, the whites were swiftly whipped to form peaks and then divided into 3 20cm round discs of
So next morning is filled with trepidation when the oven door is opened to reveal.....3 magnificent meringues!
Off to work one goes with a sneaky 5.05pm exit to make the Creme Patisserie. Re-enter the 6 egg yolks, a whole lot of cream, milk, chocolate and sugar, heat it all up, cool it all down and Bob's your uncle, the gooey-ness makes an entry!
Whack it all together and top with some beautiful fresh mango and strawberries and one presents a Gooey Chocolate Stack!!
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