What a perplexing place One finds Oneself in.
This movie has had much hype both in the lead up to, and indeed since, its release. Natalie Portman is excellent in the movie, although One feels that she plays these contradictory characters often and given what little One knows of Ms Portman, it seems there is a little of the contradictory about herself.
Case in point, Ms Portman is a vegan and refuses to wear any leather products. However, is she quite happy to model for Dior, a fashion house with a love for leather? Yes she is:
According to some
articles/blogs on the net, Ms Portman even had Dior make her vegan version of various Dior shoes. The net result surely being that Dior's leather shoes have gotten a rush of publicity and increased sales too.
The movie much like these contradictions is in part great and in part schmultzy. The plot starts with an obsessive mother and daughter combo and follows Portman's character on her journey from chorus dancer to prima ballerina. The movie deals with themes of dangers readily apparent in any modern day career where the perceived or actual expectation of perfection and excellence results in a pressure often mostly applied by ourselves. Not wanting to ruin the movie, One will refrain from further comments on the plot and let you see it unfold for yourselves.
As an aside, Mila Kunis (of
That 70s Show fame) who plays the new girl in the NY Ballet Company, fresh off the plane from the West Coast is great too. She brings a freshness to the stodgy institution that is the NY Ballet to bring contrast to Portman's establishment vibe. Oddly, Kunis has been dating Macaulay Culkin for the past 9 years.
Would One see Black Swan again? Certainly.
Can One see a single edit that would have removed the schmultz? Certainly.