While One was in Sydney recently he took the opportunity to delve into MJ's recipe folder and there were some gems in there. Some quick and easy ones and some all day cooking marathons that One just knows will be worth it.
Tonight, One attempted the first recipe - a Rice Cooker Chicken Biriyani
recipe. MJ had come across this one in the New York Times. One must admit that the rice cooker has never had such a work out and One had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't up to the challenge. How wrong One was...
Reading the recipe it sounded delicious and so with much anticipation One chopped up the chicken and marinated it in the spiced yoghurty goodness. With the chook resting, One got the food processor out and started with the onion/garlic/ginger/chili paste.

Then it was a fry up in the rice cooker and then it all went in the rice cooker along with the chicken to cook.

25 minutes later, the coriander and mint went in and it was time to serve.

While it looks a bit anemic in the picture it was beautiful and light and full of flavour, thoroughly recommended (no surprise for a recipe from MJ's private collection).