Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happiness is a full kitchen sink...

The other day One looked at the kitchen and realised that a kitchen bench full of dirty dishes and empty glasses is indeed one of One's favourite sights.

Not because One draws any delight from washing dishes (hence the dishwasher) but a bench full of dishes represents a lot of full bellies and a couple of hours (at least) of time with good friends.

These dishes were left after a lazy Sunday brekkie at aflatofonesown which thanks to Fluff was complete with bubbles.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pies Glorious Pies

A few weekends ago, it was a stormy day and One was holed up in aflatofonesown having been to the farmers markets that morning. There's nothing quite like comfort food of a rainy day and so One decided to make some pies.

Not just any pies, but Maggie Beer's Chicken & Mushroom pies (well without the mushrooms anyway). The recipe comes from Maggie's Table, a bargain book One picked up at a Pop Up Book shop not far from the ivory tower.

Anwway, during the course of the morning a couple of callers to aflatofonesown were talked into staying for lunch.

The pastry is a sour cream pastry which was absolutely delicious, the filling was chicken, leek, corn and peas in a white sauce that wasn't too heavy. Perfect for a warm Sunday lunch.

2 cakes, one weekend

These are two cakes One made last April/May.

The first was for 'the mini' as she is affectionately known who, as the cake would tend to suggest, was turning 1. Don't think for a moment the location of the different coloured smarties occurred by accident, it was a thoroughly thought out selection so that there were no double ups on the colours.

The second was for fab flatmate who was turning the big 30, but had never had a cake from the Woman's Weekly Kids Birthday Cake Book (the original, not the latest re-invention which much like Cambridge is a pale imitation of the real thing). Upon hearing this, one declared that FF must have a cake of her own from the book and Lilly Ladybug was selected.

Why won't people have more babies so One can make more fun cakes?!

Love Sydney

The love is for many reasons, but also party for the unexpected that is always found when on foot in Sydney.

A few months ago SO and One headed to Sydney for Em's Baby Shower, which was full of delights.

After hours of gluttony and gossip, One, the SO and MJ decided to wander back to Surry Hills 90210 when we came across something One doesn't believe One would see in Perth, mainly because Perth isn't a pedestrian friendly city.

It tasted so good but now One can't sleep...

Picture this: The SO headed off to regional WA to visit some sites and One headed into the Office to get on top of a couple of things. One then headed home via the supermarket to pick up some bits and pieces for an afternoon of napping, cooking and reading.

On the menu foodwise was a cheats chicken satay, hard core beef massaman recipe (it takes 3 days) and some fish burgers for during the week. Book on hand for breaks was Lonely Planet Scandinavia. Of course, there was also a nap given it was a leisurely Sunday afternoon.

The afternoon blended into evening and before One knew it, it was dinner time with the delicious smelling satay winning the race to the plate. Delicious.

Fast forward 2 hours, One is laying in bed (having decided to get an early night and hopping off to bed at 9.30) and is unable to sleep. Unusual, usually head hits the pillow and One is out. What is going on? Maybe the nap has given One extra stamina? Surely not, this is not normal, OK, lets have a drink and back to bed.

Sleep still not forthcoming.

What could it possibly be? Was it coffee, no, last caffeine intake was at 9.30am. What has one eaten? Cheats (box) chicken satay. One slowly comes to the horrible realisation, surely not, what self respecting gourmet sauce range uses MSG?

Yep, One has been dosed up with MSG and so will now spend the night fighting to get to sleep and tomorrow feeling like One has consumed a cask of cheap red wine...